
2023年4月29日—Whatistheproblemyouarehavingwithrclone?Ihavea14TBMegalinkwith2182723filesand68978folders.Itisnotopeninginrclone, ...,2020年1月21日—youneedtomakesurefilepermissionsaresetcorrectly,thattheuserrcloneisrunningas,haspermissiontoaccesstherclone.conffile.,2023年7月20日—WhenyouconfigureMegarcloneasksyouforusernameandpasswordtoyourmegaaccount.That'sit.rclonedoesnotsupport2FAthough-soyou ....

Difficulty transferring large number of files from Mega to ...

2023年4月29日 — What is the problem you are having with rclone? I have a 14 TB Mega link with 2182723 files and 68978 folders. It is not opening in rclone, ...

How Do I Mount MEGA as a drive with Rclone

2020年1月21日 — you need to make sure file permissions are set correctly, that the user rclone is running as, has permission to access the rclone.conf file.

How do I suit config for MEGA?

2023年7月20日 — When you configure Mega rclone asks you for username and password to your mega account. That's it. rclone does not support 2FA though - so you ...


This is an rclone backend for Mega which supports the file transfer features of Mega using the same client side encryption. Paths are specified as remote: ...

Native MEGA backend

2023年10月6日 — Recently i've been trying to make rclone compatible with the C++ MEGA-SDK. Firstly i've made working MEGA-SDK SWIG bindings (it has a pr). Then ...

Performance issues mounting MEGA

2023年6月22日 — What is the problem you are having with rclone? After mounting my MEGA account on ubuntu linux, the up- and download speed is just around ...

Rclone copy to mega going very slow

2023年10月30日 — I use rClone to copy a large folder from my Qnap NAS to my Mega Cloud Storage but when launching rclone copy I have some MiB/s but after like ...

rclonedocscontentmega.md at master

This is an rclone backend for Mega which supports the file transfer features of Mega using the same client side encryption. Paths are specified as remote: ...

Shared directories in mega not accessible

2023年3月29日 — Hello. I can't access or list directories and containing files of own mega drive as soon as they are shared with others. Everything works as ...

Support for mega

2022年8月14日 — What is the problem you are having with rclone? Cannot find backend for mega in rclone 1.53 installed from MXLinux 21 'WildFlower'